Thursday, August 12, 2010

[Concept] Gameplay Breakdown

ZX Project will play similarly to a Super Robot Wars game:
  • The game will be divided into numerous "Scenarios". In each Scenario, you will have to achieve one or more of a variety of goals (such as defeating all enemy units or protecting an allied unit) in order to proceed.
  • Scenarios are divided into Turns. The order goes as follows:
    1) Player
    2) Allies (units that work with you but aren't under your control)
    3) Enemies
    4) Others (units that are neither Allies nor Enemies)
  • A Turn consists of moving units around on the field and performing actions (such as attacking or using special abilities) with them. The Turn ends when all units have moved and performed an action (a unit that doesn't move is considered to have moved zero and inaction counts as an action). You may end a Turn prematurely.
  • Each Scenario takes place on a gridded battlefield. Units move around from grid square to grid square.
  • Units are like RPG characters. They have unique stats and gain Experience through battle. Gaining enough Experience levels that unit up and increases its stats.
    HP (Health Points) - Fairly self-explanatory
    EP (Energy Points) - All units require EP to attack. EP costs vary per attack.
    POW (Power) - The unit's power. The higher its POW, the more damage it deals.
    DEF (Defense) - The unit's defense. The higher its DEF, the less damage it takes.
    SPD (Speed) - The unit's speed. The higher its SPD, the better chance it can dodge.
    CRI (Critical) - Determines how often the unit lands a critical hit. This stat does not increase through leveling up like the other stats.
  • All units possess what are called "Special Abilities", or "SAs" for short. SAs are situational stat modifiers. For instance, a unit could have a SA that temporarily raises its POW stat when its HP falls below a certain amount. Most all units possess a SA from the start and all of them can learn new ones over the course of the game.
  • When units are felled in battle (their HP hits zero), they are not gone forever.
  • The battle formula is simple. The attacking unit attacks, then, if applicable, the attacked unit retaliates.
Depending on how development turns out, anything is subject to change. Hopefully, there will be no need to deviate too much from the plans. And, if everything goes completely smooth, the game may even incorporate one or both of the following:
  • Battle animations. Each unit will have animated sprites during battle.
  • Voice acting. Most all units will have voice acting during combat and perhaps during dialog cut-scenes as well.
An ambitious project to say the least, it is my hope that I can successfully make this game in a reasonable time frame. If you have any skills in computer programming or sprite art, drop me a line and let me know! I could always use a larger dev team. Just be willing to work for free.

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